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Alarum Books

Soldier of Fortune [September 1992]

Soldier of Fortune [September 1992]

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[SoF [Gritz] [LA Riots]

Soldier of Fortune

September 1992

Soldier of Fortune, CO. 1992. Like new.

This is an awesome one, just the full package. I am going to digress about the ads in this one a bit - you will find the Soldier of Fortune sneakers, "Buns and Guns for the Heterosexual Male Gun Enthusiast", "Doggystyle" gun related Big Dog rip offs and more. Stunning. Pieces within include:

"Did the Media Cause the LA Riots? (These dudes did not like the LA riots. Weirdly copsucking.)

"Urban Cloak, Jungle Shroud" (I find gun camo kind of funny but these guys love it.)

"Bo Knows Politics?" (Who the hell is Bo Gritz? This one is nuts.)

"Looking for War in All the Wrong Places" (Kind of a dumb buddy comedy piece about two dudes going to join the semi-existent Croatia Foreign Legion.)

Very fun issue, plenty of levity buttressed by their worse impulses. Also the cover story is about suppressed revolvers. 

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