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Alarum Books

Soldier of Fortune [October 1988]

Soldier of Fortune [October 1988]

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[Drug War] [Jihad] [AKs]

Soldier of Fortune

October 1988

Soldier of Fortune, CO. 1988. Like new.

A very cool issue with some esoteric topics including:

"Mystery of the Pia Vesta" (About a mysterious freighter laden with Communist weaponry use "as a pawn in international covert ops games" - Vatican Shadow vibes)

"Tamil Tigers of Eelam" (Good reportage on the Tamil Tigers)

"Kalashnikopies" (A great piece on AK clones from around the world.)

"Omega Jihad Part 2" (On the Editor/Owner of SoF joining the Mujihadeen for an attack on the Soviets; was Vollmann there too? Utter insanity. Vatican Shadow song title for sure.)

"Drug War Aces" (On American pilots interdicting the airborne drug trade.)

A really fascinating issue that gives off an aura of "should I be allowed to read this?" Recommended. 

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