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Alarum Books

Soldier of Fortune [November 1988]

Soldier of Fortune [November 1988]

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[SoF] [Urgent Fury] [Skyjack]

Soldier of Fortune

November 1988

Soldier of Fortune, CO. 1988. Some highlighting but otherwise clean. 

Another early issue with some particularly good on the ground reporting, including:

"Hard Road to Kandahar" (SoF embedded with a Mujaheddin convoy in Afghan bandit country.)

"Ghost Raiders of the Skyjack" (Incredible titled piece about some wild shit that went down in Cyprus.)

"Uncommon Valor" (Remember the Old Bush? A tribute to the man.)

"Winning Hearts and Mayans" (Anti-Marxist piece about Guatemalan special forces that was probably dreamt up after someone said the title.)

Some fading history on display in this one; remember Dukakis? Some of the highlighting by prior owner has weirdly emotional power.

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