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Alarum Books

Soldier of Fortune [February 1994]

Soldier of Fortune [February 1994]

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[SoF] [Waco] [Flame Throwers]

Soldier of Fortune

February 1994

Soldier of Fortune, CO. 1994. Like new.

A rock-solid issue of Sof with some pieces on strange munitions, Waco, the CIA...and more! Pieces include:

"Disposable Heat" (Imagine if you will, a shoulder mounted one shot flamethrower.)

"Government's Waco Whitewash Continues" (...and it still does!)

"Expect No Mercy" (Rough and tumble story from a released Croat POW on his treatment in lockup.)

"Pentagon Wordgames" (Cool piece that does a bit of deep-dive into military doublespeak.)

End to end, a very enjoyable issue. Cool color scheme too. 

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