Secrets of the Holy Lance: The Spear of Destiny in History and Legend [Jerry E. Smith & George Piccard]
Secrets of the Holy Lance: The Spear of Destiny in History and Legend [Jerry E. Smith & George Piccard]
[Spear] [of] [Longinus]
Secrets of the Holy Lance: The Spear of Destiny in History and Legend
Jerry E. Smith & George Piccard
Adventures Unlimited, IL. 2005. First edition paperback. Small tear on the upper part of spine; bend to cover, an excellent copy.
From the publisher:
"As Jesus Christ hung on the cross, a Roman centurion pierced his side with a spear. And there is an ancient legend that whoever possesses this Holy Lance and understands its powers, holds in his hand the destiny of the world. This work traces the Spear from its possession by Constantine to Charlemagne."
The Spear of longinus AKA the Holy Lance AKA the Spear of Destiny is one of those perenially fascinating artifacts. I mean come on - it might have poked a hole in God. That's crazy. Like most Adventures Unlimited books, this one is a fairly hefty deep drive into the spear's history, following it from the moment of truth onward through time. A fun and easy read that spirals into total paranoid occult fractal. Operation High Jump; UFOs, chapters with titles like "Excalibur Antarctica Reprise". Very wild, very fun.