Legacy of Daedalus [Eugenia Macer-Story]
Legacy of Daedalus [Eugenia Macer-Story]
[Weird] [Science] [Occult]
Legacy of Daedalus
Eugenia Macer-Story
Magic Mirror Communications, NY. 2010. First paperback edition.Deadstock; like new.
Eugenia Macer-Story was a polymath; playwright; painter; occult investigator; acctress; novelist... the list goes on.
From the publisher:
"Occult Tradition of the Engineering Angels Assisting Technical Evolution .Original Paperback Edition With All Diagrams & Illustrations. Examples from North & South America, Egypt, the British Isles , the work of Leonardo Da Vinci & Dr. John Dee. Speculation upon the technical reality of an "Atlantean" civilization perhaps linked to mysterious feats of engineering and alchemy."
Doesn't that sound intensely bizarre? and good? It is! Macer-Story rocks. Read it all, starting here.