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Alarum Books

Industrial Society and It's Future [Ted Kaczynski]

Industrial Society and It's Future [Ted Kaczynski]

Regular price $285.00 USD
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[Industrial] [Society] [Future]

Industrial Society and It's Future

Ted Kaczynski

Washington Post, DC. 1995. Special newspaper supplement. This is the entire text of "Industrial Society and It's Future" as it appeared in the Washington Post in September 1995. There is no tearing, some crinkling to the edges and yellowing throughout. Being a full size newspaper, it is folded twice. As seen in the pictures, the rear page has some red rubbing, likely from another insert in the newspaper. This does not affect the readability. Feel free to follow up via email with any questions.

"Industrial Society and It's Future", or as it is colloquially known, "The Unabomber's Manifesto" represents one of the most singularly influential texts of the 20th century. It is my honor and privilege to offer for sale this copy of the original Washington Post supplement from 1995. It has an uncanny totemic quality to it that you'll understand once you handle it. That this piece of newspaper, printed in desperation out of the promise that Ted Kaczynski would halt his bombings, has remained intact for 30 years is nothing short of a miracle. A vital piece of American history you will likely not see available again in your life. 

"it is true that many believed Kaczynski was insane because they needed to believe it. But the truly disturbing aspect of Kaczynski and his ideas is not that they are so foreign but that they are so familiar." - Alston Chase. 


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